terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

Endian Firewall Community 3.0 BETA 2

Endian Firewall Community 3.0 BETA 2

Endian firewall: 1.363.525 downloads and counting - Be part of our growing community!

Hey folks, Endian is back again!Do you want to be part of this community?
Endian calls for the best and brightest users to enhance its community and make Endian Firewall improving and spreading all over the world. Together we can do more and better!
So join the crew, and become part of our extended team.How? Download the latest, Endian Firewall Community 3.0 Beta 2 version and start making your own tests. (Want to glance at the brand-new features, first? 
…And once I made them? How to share my findings?And here’s the next news of the day. You can easily report the outcome of your trials on Jira, our new bug tracker, finally open to the community!
If you did report some bugs relevant to the previous release on Mantis, don’t panic! It will remain open in read-only mode to everyone, including our developers and QA team.
For those who prefer a stable and tested version, the Endian team reminds that Endian Firewall Community 2.5.2 release dates back to just a few weeks ago.
For upgrades  from the Development Channel (bleeding edge): please note that after the upgrade you may need to re - configure some modules.

This release includes the following changes:

  • Web Security
    • HTTPS filtering
  • E-mail Security
    • SMTP Proxy: Domain Management
    • SMTP Delivery Status Notification configuration
  • Virtual Private Networking
    • IPsec
      • Encryption: Null, 3DES, CAST-128, AES 128/192/256-bit,
      • Blowfish 128/192/256-bit, Twofish 128/192/256-bit,
      • Serpent 128/192/256-bit, Camellia 128/192/256-bit
      • Hash algorithms: MD5, SHA1, SHA2 256/384/512-bit, AESXCBC
      • IKEv2
    • OpenVPN
      • Support for TUN mode
      • Connections page for VPN users
  • User Management & Authentication
    • User management for OpenVPN
    • Integrated certificate authority
    • External certificate authority support
    • User password and certificate management (two-factor authentication)
  • Logging and Reporting
    • Live network traffic monitoring (powered by ntopng)
    • System status graphs are not lost at every reboot
    • Images for SMTP mail statistics graphs
  • Miscellaneous fixing and improvements
    • Serial port speed is now always set to 115200bps
    • Fixed password changing from the console menu
    • Sanitized logs

sábado, 19 de outubro de 2013

Telligent adquire Zimbra da VMware

Tenho o prazer de dizer que Telligent , líder no mercado de software social empresarial, anunciou hoje que adquiriu da VMware os ativos globais do Zimbra. Telligent e Zimbra irá fundir sob a marca Zimbra para formar uma empresa de software que oferece uma suíte de colaboração social unificado construído para a era pós-PC.
Por que a combinação? Zimbra e soluções Level Up! São ambos projetados para colaboração e têm capacidades complementares. Telligent oferece empresa colaboração social, incluindo comunicação em tempo real, redes sociais, mensagens instantâneas e comunidades online. Emparelhado com Zimbra para classe empresarial e-mail, calendário e colaboração, a oferta combinada irá cobrir todo o espectro de colaboração.
Sob a marca Zimbra, software Zimbra continuará a ser disponibilizada no local e na nuvem através da empresa e seus parceiros. A nova empresa também vai manter a sua presença em todo o mundo, com escritórios em Dallas, Palo Alto, Tóquio, Londres e Pune, na Índia.Zimbra será conduzido por uma equipa de gestão integrada, sob a liderança de Patrick Brandt, CEO da Telligent. Zimbra receberá investimentos da VMware juntamente com outros investidores, e VMware vai ser um parceiro estratégico do novo Zimbra, ajudando a garantir a continuidade de longo prazo para clientes e parceiros.
"Nosso objetivo é voltar Zimbra para suas raízes como um líder de software de colaboração independente, com uma vibrante comunidade de código aberto", diz Patrick Brandt, CEO da Telligent. "Esta fusão é um reflexo de como as pessoas colaboram hoje - é sobre inovação em tecnologia social, mobile e nuvem. Estamos empenhados em oferecer produtos inovadores aos nossos clientes e parceiros, e estamos empenhados em ser aberto. "
Não se espera que a aquisição de impactar o próximo grande lançamento do Zimbra (JudasPriest) , prevista para o início do próximo ano. De fato, novas capacidades sociais para o Zimbra, juntamente com os projetos já planejados, como o HTML5 offline Web App, HTML5 Toque Web App, Exchange Web Services e "always on" Grade Arquitetura Carrier, vai estar em exposição no grupo de usuários da companhia combinada conferência, The Big Sociais, 23-25 ​​setembro de 2013 em Dallas, TX. Mais informações sobre a conferência de grupo de usuários, incluindo sessões e palestrantes Zimbra, serão comunicados nas próximas semanas.
Leia o press release para saber mais sobre a aquisição da Zimbra por Telligent.
Leia o blog da empresa VMware para o VMware perspectiva sobre a aquisição e fusão de Zimbra e Telligent.

sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2013

Convertendo disco VMware Player para Esxi

Depois de copiado a maquina virtual para o Esxi, acessar o Esxi via ssh

# vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/discovm.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/discovm-new.vmdk

Aumentando Tamanho Anexo e Mensagem no Zimbra

Alterar o tamanho máximo para anexos:
zimbra@mail:~$ zmprov mcf zimbraFileUploadMaxSize 35600000

Alterar o tamanho máximo para as mensagens:
zimbra@mail:~$ zmprov mcf zimbraMtaMaxMessageSize 35700000

quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2013

ZIMBRA 8 Gerando e Instalando SSL 2048

1 - Gerando Certificado

# /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr createcsr comm -new -keysize 2048 -subject "/C=GB/ST=England/L=London/O=Company Name/OU=Company Branch Name/CN=mail.yourdomain.com" -subjectAltNames mail.yourdomain.com

2 - Mandar Arquivo ou conteúdo para unidade certificadora;

# /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.csr

3 - Com o arquivo de retorno em mãos:

# vi /tmp/commercial.crt

colocar conteúdo passado pela unidade certificadora

********Seu Certificado

# vi /tmp/ca.crt

colocar conteúdo Root CA Certificate

******** Pegar no site do Certificado

# vi /tmp/ca_intermediary.crt

colocar conteúdo passado pela unidade certificadora


# vi /tmp/ca_chain.crt
colocar conteúdo Root CA Certificate

4 - Verificando se está tudo OK

# /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr verifycrt comm /tmp/commercial.crt /tmp/ca_chain.crt

5 - Instalar Certificado

# /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr deploycrt comm /tmp/commercial.crt /tmp/ca_chain.crt

6 - Verificar Certificado instalado

# /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr viewdeployedcrt

7 - Reiniciar serviços do Zimbra

# su - zimbra
# zmcontrol restart

****** Todo esse trabalho via texto e não via console web do zimbra pelo fato de via web mesmo marcando para gerar o certificado em 2048 estava gerando em 1024;
teste realizado no site:



Ricardo Anibolete
41 8812-6506

quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2013

Endian firewall 3.0

Endian firewall: 1.337.236 downloads and counting - Be part of our growing community!
Hey folks, Endian is back again!
Do you want to be part of this community?
Endian calls for the best and brightest users to enhance its community and make Endian Firewall  improving and spreading all over the world. Together we can do more and better!
So join the crew, and become part of our extended team.
How? Download the latest, Endian Firewall Community 3.0 Beta version and start making your own tests. (Want to glance at the brand-new features, first?)
…And once I made them? How to share my findings?
And here’s the next news of the day. You can easily report the outcome of your trials on Jira, ournew bug tracker, finally open to the community!
If you did report some bugs relevant to the previous release on Mantis, don’t panic! It will remain open in read-only mode to everyone, including our developers and QA team.
For those who prefer a stable and tested version, the Endian team reminds that Endian Firewall Community 2.5.2 release dates back to just a few weeks ago.
For upgrades from the Development Channel (bleeding edge): please note that after the upgrade you may need to re - configure some modules.
Don’t miss the opportunity and try the Endian experience. You’ll never get back.
Your Endian Team

sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2013

Endian firewall 2.5.2 community version now available

Endian firewall 2.5.2 community version now available
After a long time, we are ready to announce the Endian Firewall Community 2.5.2 release.
This release is mainly a bug fixing one.
A list of the main changes and updates to follow:
  • Antivirus
    ClamAV has been updated to the most recent version to make sure signature updates will continue to work.
  • Anti-spyware
    Lists are now being provided by PhishTank instead of Malware Domains. This not only results in more sites being recognized correctly but also allows us to show an information page with a link to PhishTank's description of the malicious website instead of displaying an empty page.
  • Hardware support
    Support for various hardware devices has been added. This support for USB modems
    as well as drivers for network interface cards and hard disk controllers.
You can easily download  version 2.5.2 here: http://www.endian.com/en/community/download/
The 2.5.1 version users should follow the instructions received at the registration time via email to update the software.
If you’re using an older version than 2.5.1, try to get the update following the aforementioned instructions. In case of failure, please download the new version and re – install the system.
Enjoy the new Release
Your Endian Team

terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2013

terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2013

Endian - ntop partnership announced today

Two Leading Companies Unite to Create the Open Source Next Generation Firewall
Endian, a leading provider of open source Unified Threat Management solutions has teamed up with ntopa leading company in the network management field to create a cutting edge open source Next Generation Firewall solution. This solution will greatly enhance the current Endian platform by adding application “awareness” capabilities into all aspects of network security and management. Raphael VallazzaEndian CEO, talks about the partnership: “Security and network management are necessarily converging. The Endian – ntop link is a natural outcome of this situation and is what we need in order to give the networking field the solutions it's looking for.”
With this next generation DPI technology, we are able to analyze any fragment of the network data flow without losing performance, while properly protecting internal systems from any threat of intrusion. As Luca Deri, network management Professor at the University of Pisa and ntop founder says, “Basically, you cannot secure what you do not know. And this is the focal point of our challenge: the next generation firewall totally based on open source technology. An all-in-one appliance that includes firewall, Unified Threat Management and state-of-the-art Deep Packet Inspection features, that provides deep packet scanning and full data filtering.”
Both companies are really excited about exploring all the opportunities a joint venture like this presents and their goal is to bring to market the next generation of open source network security and management solutions.

quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2013

Endian launches on the Interoute CloudStore

Endian launches on the Interoute CloudStore

Security on demand with Interoute’s pan European Network and Virtual Data Centres built in.
Endian, a leading provider of network security solutions, has announced the launch of its Unified Threat Management (UTM) security solution on the Interoute CloudStore. With Endian’s Firewall and Intrusion Detection system as well as Antivirus, AntiSpam and Webfilter systems now available on the CloudStore appliance marketplace, protecting company data from damage, manipulation, and espionage is only a few clicks away.

The Interoute CloudStore is an application and appliance marketplace built on an integrated compute and network infrastructure platform. The CloudStore offers scale, security and performance superior to traditional physical platforms but with the flexibility of the public cloud. The CloudStore delivers through the Interoute Virtual Data Centre, which offers Infrastructure-as-a-Service from 5 Data Centre locations in major European cities and is built into Interoute’s pan-European MPLS/IP network. The CloudStore Knowledge Centre supports users with tutorials, industry updates and an extensive product library.

Raphael Vallazza, CEO of Endian, said: “We are thrilled to be adding Endian’s Unified Threat Management security solution to the Interoute CloudStore portfolio. Endian is known for reliable network security solutions that are easy to deploy, manage and use, making the Interoute CloudStore a great fit for us. Businesses can now access Endian’s Unified Threat Management security solution in a matter of minutes, with the added benefit of being backed up by an industry leading network infrastructure from Interoute, which delivers unparalleled scale and diversity.”

Matthew Finnie, CTO of Interoute, added: “Expanding our Partner ecosystem is central to our vision for the Interoute CloudStore.  The inclusion of the Endian UTM in the CloudStore, combined with the CloudStore’s ability to create secure public and private solutions automatically, allows customers to exploit the Endian UTM rich set of features without the constraints normally associated with Cloud-based solutions. ”

      Ricardo Anibolete

sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013

Backup Endian Firewall


1 - Ir em "System ->Backup"

2 - Clicar em "Create new Backup"

3 - No meu caso escolhi em fazer somente backup das configurações do Endian o que é mais rápido por ser menor o tamanho.

4 - Backup sendo gerado.

5 - Depois de gerado o backup tem as opções de fazer download para máquina, voltar o backup no próprio Endian ou excluir o backup.

 - Nessa mesma opção de backup tem a função de deixar agendado o backup do Endian e também de enviar automaticamente por e-mail, eu recomendo deixar configurado.

      Ricardo Anibolete
41 8812-6506

Instalando o Endian Firewall

1 - Boot com a mídia e escolher a linguagem.

2 - Tela de aviso da instalação.

3 - Yes para aceitar o que o programa de instalação formate e particione o HD.

4 - Essa opção é para habilitar o acesso ao Endian pela Serial do computador.

5 - Escolher o IP ( rede interna do Endian).

6 - Feito isso o Endian vai reiniciar ai é só acessar ele pelo navegador:

      Ricardo Anibolete
41 8812-6506