quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010

Endian Firewall Community Update 2.4.1

The update for Endian Firewall Community to version 2.4.1 is now available! This release introduces the following new features:

Japanese is now a fully supported language
SHA1 is now used instead of MD5 as default hash algorithm wherepossible (#1796)
A web console has been added
The system console has been replaced by efw-shell
Kernel has been updated to LTS version
Amavisd-new has been updated to version 2.6.4
Snort has been updated to version
Template language has been switched to mako to speed up EMI
Hooks that will be triggered on shutdown have been added to /etc/rc.d/halt (#2875)
"All system logs" has been added to the log viewer and is now set as default (#549)
netstatus.cgi has been rewritten to recognize NICs that are faster than 100Mb/s
DNS Proxy
Randomized mirror usage and switching from cron to anacron to decrease the load on malwaredomains.com (#3113)
SMTP Proxy
Support for Japanese emails has been added to the spam filter
RBL lists have been updated (#2020)
File extension list has been updated
Spam subject is now optional (#2781)
Support for 7z archives has been added
ClamAV Antivirus
ClamAV has been updated to version 0.96.3
Bytecode compiled patterns have been enabled (#2882)
Google safebrowsing signatures have been enabled
BADTCP filtering can now be disabled (#3152)
A logic for classifying bridged OpenVPN traffic in a dynamic way has been added
An OpenVPN interface has been added to the firewall GUIs in case of the OpenVPN server not being bridged
OpenVPN Server
It is now possible to select to which zone the server should be bridged
It is now possible not to bridge the server but to run it in a separate subnet on its tap interface
Openswan has been updated to version 2.6.29
SIP Proxy

Your Endian Team

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